
I have been talking about Linux in the last few podcasts at Tips From The Server Room. Most of you who have been listening to me for awhile know that I don’t just talk about something I jump in with both hands and learn from the inside.

So the truth is I am running this in Virtual Box and I have it up on one of my monitors at work. But I am trying to do most of my daily work using this version of Ubuntu. I know it’s not the experts Linux but remember I am no expert.

I am writing this post using the Ubuntu VM and I am using Firefox. Really feels like using any other computer. I was even able to install a few extensions into the browser which makes it easier to work.

I feel pretty confident that the Libra Office programs will not keep up with our Excel spreadsheets? I am always one to test it out? I already install SubLime Text so PHP programming is the same as Windows and the Mac.

If you have never tried the desktop version of Linux I would suggest you give it a try. Remember we are all learning together to build our resumes. The more you know they more chances of getting hired or just getting advancements.

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