If you have been into computers for as long as I have you will remember that we had a browser war back in the 90’s. At the time there were two players Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
The reason this war started in the first place was because Bill Gates from Microsoft said that the Internet was just a fad and in a few years would go away. Until he began to watch Netscape Navigator’s bottom line profits go through the roof. Then old Bill doing what he did best decided he would steal the market share and make everyone use his crap browser called, Internet Explorer 1.0. If you enjoyed bad dreams and night terrors then this was the browser for you. So how would old Bill get everyone to switch to his browser and leave Netscape?
Easy enough, he will build it into every copy of Windows 95. Of course this was a great idea! Not really Microsoft got sued for trying to create a monopoly and lost and had to make it so that you could remove Internet Explorer from your computer.
Why am I writing about this in today’s modern world? Because folks we are still having browser wars. Netscape is long gone but has rolled into a FREE browser known as Fire Fox. We also have a offering from the KINGS of the Internet Google called Chrome. Internet Explorer is still around and still being used for some unknown reason. There is also some you may not know about. Opera, Safari from Apple. They all do basically the same thing. They open the door for you to the World Wide Web.