Sometimes we need protection from our actions. I often have clients ask me, “What did I do wrong, why do I keep getting all of this bad stuff on my computer?”
The answer to this statement is simple. You don’t have to do anything wrong. Your kids might also be the best kids in the world and look at nothing wrong. The truth is advertising companies are sneaky. They have ways of installing adware and spyware onto your computer without you knowing about it.
It is funny that we see this practice effecting only Windows computers. This is because there are always ways that these companies can find to install software onto your computer without you knowing.
There are a few easy fixes to help you stay out of trouble.
1. Setup up a standard user account on your computer. This way you won’t be logged into the computer as the administrator. Then if something wants to install you will know because it will ask you for your password.
2. Don’t use Internet Explorer! Use a better safer web browser such as, Fire Fox or Chrome.
3. Keep your anti spyware and anti virus up to date.
4. Use this add on for your browser call Web Of Trust. It will alert you if the web site you are visiting is trying to install something onto your computer.