I know I have talked about e-readers in the past and I could tell you a million reasons to have one. But today I am going old school and I am going to tell you why it is also nice to have a paper book.
On Tuesday I had the great pleasure of meeting and hearing a author in person. I have been reading her books for years and always waiting for the next book in the series to be released.
After the talk there was a book signing. Now if I had my handy dandy e-reader where would she have signed it. What happens one day when I buy a new e-reader? What happens if my e-reader breaks? These are all the thoughts that ran through my head as I was buying two of her books. The author by the way is J.A. Jance.
My hard back books are like treasures to me. I keep them all of them on book shelfs even though I will most likely never re-read them. Now I have one with a autograph.
I still love my kindle and I read it everyday. It is nice to travel with such a collection of books. It even allows me to sometimes read two books at once. I will have a good fiction going the same time I have a important non-fiction going to learn something new.
At the end of the day, Kindle, E-Readers or Books as long as you have something in your hands and you are pouring knowledge or just enjoyment into your brain then you are doing well. I feel if we don’t excise it then it may just stop working to soon. Reading this blog each day also helps. At least I hope to get the mind churning.