We all love pictures, that is why many of you read this blog and watch my You Tube videos. But what do you or would you think of a picture with such detail and depth that is almost pulls you into the shot?
Step over to HDR, High Dynamic Range photography. It is so easy to take pictures in HDR that I don’t know why more people do not jump on this band wagon. So is every picture better in HDR? No be careful of portraits in HDR, I have met some people that can pull this off but not many. The main issue with people is if they move you will get an effect called ghosting.
To get a HDR shot the steps are simple. First see if you camera had a bracketing setting. If it does turn it on, you will be shooting three pictures. One normal exposure, one over exposure and one under exposure. The idea is that you will capture all of the ranges and tones in the scene.
There is great software to merge you pictures into HDR. I say this because once you put the pictures onto your computer you have to merge the three shots together to make one.
I will be teaching this LIVE on Sunday morning Feb. 16, 2014 at 10:00 AM EST. Please join me at: The Photography Guy.