I have been making this statement for years. And every time I am asked what camera to buy, I respond with, “It depends on what you want to take pictures of”? Then the most important question would be, “Do you want a camera that you can change lenses on”?
The reason I ask this second question it will really answer the first one. And I always tell everyone that you want a camera that you can change lenses on. If not you are in a sense buying a point and shoot camera.
Most photographers me included will tell you that they have more money invested in the glass “lenses” then they do in their cameras. This is because it really matters what kind of glass you have for your camera. And there is no one lens that will work with every shoot.
The basic set of lenses that I recommend you have are: 50 mm fixed, Long Zoom 70 – 300 mm, and your kit lenses maybe 35 – 115. The last one I carry for landscapes is my 17-35 mm Wide Angle. If you get into shooting people and charging, like weddings or parties then you want even better lenses with Aperture of 2.8 or better. The main thing to remember is that it is in the glass. The better glass you can afford, the better pictures you will begin to make.