You have that shinny new computer and you just hate the new Windows 8 interface. As I wrote a before you could get use to the new Windows 8 interface. I know I had to give my brain a little time to adapt to the new system.
If you feel that you would rather have it the old way. In other words have your desktop look more like Windows XP and Windows 7. There are two way that you can do this.
The first and the one I recommend is to use Classic Shell. It is a FREE add on that you can download and install onto your Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 machine. It gives you that normal start menu that you are already use to using. Download Classic Shell here:
Next is from a company with the name of Star Dock. They have been making add ons for Windows for as long as I can remember. Let’s say that they make Windows more user friendly. They have a program called Start8. It is not free but works very well. You can check them out at their web site:
Which ever one you use, you will once again be one with your computer. Long live Windows 8? Please comment and let me know if these programs helped you.