I don’t know if you currently read books? But I have been reading a lot lately part of my up coming New Years Resolution is to read more novels this year. I am normally lucky to read eight books a year and this coming year I am shooting for fifteen.
With that said; I have been playing around a little with audio books. Once called books on tape these have not become books on MP3’s. I wanted to give you some of my thoughts on this media.
Let’s begin with the price. If you sign up for the major audio book dealer on the Internet, you know their name they advertise everywhere. You will be shelling out about fifteen dollars a month for one book. I have searched and search the Internet and the price is pretty much set in stone. I guess they have a lot of people to pay out of that money. The author, the talent who reads and then of course the company selling the audio book.
You can burrow audio books from your local library, all you need is a library card. You can also burrow them from friends.
My issue with my love and hate relationship with audio books. First they are extremely slow. Most books seem like a minute or more per sentence. Sometimes the reader will be mono tone, but other times you will get an upbeat reader who uses voices for each character in the book. I do enjoy the convince of being able to listen to my books while driving, cooking dinner and even mowing the grass. If you have never tried an audio book then I urge you to grab something and tune in.