I can’t begin to talk about Twitter without talking about their stock offering. Did you BUY? Let me say I tried to buy all morning on the day the IPO first opened. I watched the clock and right at 9:00 AM EST I began to click buy and I was not allowed. I really wish I understood more about the stock market. This stock was set to open at $26.00 per share. By the time I looked at it I understand it started selling at $41.00? I really don’t understand how it can be set at one price and then open a lot higher then what it was set at? I need your stock help to understand this one. Please comment and help me out.
Next do you Twitter? If not then I have to ask why not? I ask a lot of people this same question and I keep getting the same answer. Who would want to know what I had for breakfast? Thats not it at all I did a podcast awhile back on some of the uses of this platform. I use it more to filter and find information. Many nights when I get home from work my wife will ask did I hear about this or that in the news; my response is always yes I saw that on Twitter.
I have a few followers but most people follow more people or brands then they have their own followers. The reason for this is especially now if that all the department stores will begin Tweeting sales for Black Friday. My main reason for this mornings post is to tell you to set up an account on Twitter and begin by filtering your search topics and see what you can find out.
And NO I did not buy the stock at $41.00 I thought it was to much of a risk for me to grab any. DID YOU?