When one company begins to shows a little profit on a innovative idea there will always be someone out there to try to cash in on their success. Not that I think the Amazon Echo is a huge success but they were the first to the table with this idea. Now we have Google that owns the world, at least the part that was left by Face Book has now released the Google Home. Let me first say if you are getting to lazy to pick up your smart phone, roll back over in bed and just forget life all together. Is it a great idea? I really can’t comment because I have never used one or had the desire to buy one. But if you own one feel free to comment and let me know what the greatness this device has for you. Both of these devices cost about the same so price will not be the factor to pull you one way or the other. I guess it is which ever company you want to support more? I have a friend that owns the Echo and she loves it. I don’t know how much she uses it but she did tell me it is cool. I normally don’t pay $100.00 or more for cool. I would say before you buy either of these I would suggest that you do your research. For me I will keep my phone as my personal assistant.