It is official Windows XP has now passed away after many years of service. Born on August 24, 2001 and now dead on April 8, 2014 at the age of 13 years! In the technology world this is a very long life.
What does this mean for you? If you are reading this and using Windows XP and have your computer connected to the Internet, “RUN”. No wait I am kidding. Well kind of anyway. The truth is you have to be more careful then ever when browsing the Internet. This is because Windows XP will become a hackers paradise. This is because there will be new holes on the operating system that will no longer be patched. Once these are put out on the Internet everyone will be using these holes to attack your computer.
I had a call from one of my clients; calling with great concern. “We really need to get new computers!” I asked. “Why?” Client, “Because on April 8th our computer will stop working.” The truth of the matter is, your computers will continue to run and you can still use them. They will not shut down and be un-usable. You will just have to be more careful when using them when they are connected to the Internet. If you only use them to access your local network and they are not connected to the Internet, they will still work for years.
I hear people complaining and saying how can Microsoft do this to them. Why are they always making us upgrade? The simple truth is, these companies can’t keep programmers busy working on old technology when the new technology is now humming along.
So if you didn’t upgrade. I would suggest now would be a great time to put your plan into effect and get those old Windows XP computers off your desk and step up to Windows 7.
Last note, Windows 8.1 is getting a major over haul and the start menu is coming back for your operating enjoyment.