When you begin using flash to add to your photography knowledge or using it to increase your sells by allowing you to shoot anytime of the day or night. You will need to also look into light modifiers.
There are many types of modifiers on the market. I should know I have many of them because I always feel you should have the correct tools to perform the job. There are soft boxes which are suppose to be the king of all modifiers. And then there are umbrellas which to me they are the best for wrapping your subject in light. They are also nice to give you really two modifiers in one. You can shoot into or through it. This will give you a large light source or a softer little more direct source.
The main reason for this post is to save you money. BH Photo Video has a 7′ Westcott Umbrella on sale. It is normally $99.00 and now it is on sale for only $49.00. This is like they are giving them away. I normally do not advertise for anyone. But this will save you our reader some money then I say it is worth posting. Use this link and order yours today, I don’t think the sale will be around long. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/755552-REG/Westcott_4634_7_Parabolic_Umbrella_White_Black.html.