These day’s seeing more is always seeing the best possible image that a landscape can provide. I have enjoyed panoramic photography ever since it has been made easy to stitch the shots together. Years ago in the dark room we had a lot more work then we do today in getting the perfect wide, wide and yes wide panoramic shot.
What is a panoramic pictures? It is a picture of very wide angles. It is normally created using three or more shots then stitched together laying them side by side.
How do you shoot a panoramic? I always use a tripod and making sure my camera is level. I shoot the first picture to the LEFT, then center my camera and take another shot, make sure you over lap your pictures. Then I move the camera to the RIGHT and grab your last shot.
Pull all of you pictures into you favorite editing software and have it stitch them together.
It is also getting easier to shoot a panoramic using your smart phone. There are many apps that will shoot the panoramic just buy you moving slowly from left to right. The picture blow was shot using my IPhone 5.